Sunday, July 27, 2014

Program Compatibility With OS X Yosemite

So, when updating to a new OS, there is always the fear that some of your critical applications will stop working until the developer releases an update.  So here I'm creating a list of all the programs I use regularly, and some that I'm just testing out (feel free to request software in the comments and I'll test it out), and letting you know if it's compatible or not. This page will be updating as I test out new software, so keep checking back and see if your software of choice gets added!

Working (No issues at all):

-Pro Tools 11
-Final Cut Pro X
-iTunes (and all other default OS X apps)
-Full Deck Solitaire
-Pages (Can't open from iCloud unless you've upgraded to iCloud drive)
-Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
-Google Chrome
-Acorn 3
-Keyboard Maestro
-Galactic Assistant
-Izotope RX3 Launcher
-World Of Warcraft
-Disk Catalog Maker LE
-PreSonus AudioBox 22VSL Drivers
-StarCraft 2
-VMWare Fusion (Windows 8.1)
-Apache Open Office
-Celtx (desktop client)
-Toon Boom Studio 8
-SpriteBuilder (From the Mac App Store)

Working (With some issues):

-Adobe Creative Cloud: I had to install Java 8 20, and then re-install Creative Cloud, then reboot my computer, and now it's connected. Just downloading Photoshop, Premiere, and Lightroom. Will update when I've tested those programs.
-Microsoft Office 2011: Currently not working on my machine (Tells me I need to re-install it), but other users are saying it works on their machines, so it seems to be hit or miss.
-Skype: This works well, but there is no access to the contacts page, so you have to let people contact you and then it works fine, but you can't start a new conversation with someone else. 

Not Working:

-Logic Pro X: It gets hung up when downloading content and refuses to open.
-Garage Band: Also gets hung up when downloading content and refuses to open.
-Wacom Bamboo tablet drivers
-iBooks Author: Opens, but crashes frequently.
-Synfig Studio: Doesn't open at all.
-Eye TV 
-Turbo.264 HD
-Qobuz Desktop
-MacGo Blu Ray Player

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